#118 Subluxation Based Chiropractic Is Dead

RIP Subluxation Based Chiropractic.

Your time has come.

No longer will the market accept objectively based assessments, logical care plans based on science and clinical experience, and an ongoing relationship with a health care provider who can deliver extraordinary outcomes. 

Subluxation Based Chiropractor, you're doomed!

Could this be true? Is it time?

Contrary to the belief of some, I believe the market is ripe for leadership and results...that makes a rational approach to Subluxation Based Care properly positioned for the success of the patient and chiropractor alike.

On today's episode of Life By Design For Chiropractors we discuss a comment left on one of our Facebook posts.

What We Covered

  • Why the market is ready for your care, IF you position it effectively.
  • The fallacy that exists with many chiropractors and how it crushes their success.
  • How to start staking claim to the real estate in your prospects mind and make it your own.
  • Why Subluxation Focused Care is a sound, logical and rational way to practice chiropractic.